Tuesday, 29 June 2010



1-Orbit of life never takes rest

Several face raising the hands

In the signals curly haired girl

Habitual of aristocratic abuse

Selling the flowers to car owners

She knows the eye contact

Hides the exposed body by

The tattered dirty sari end,

The elite male s desire—

She knows very well

She requests again and again,

The guy lures – sit down in

The back, no need to sell the flowers

Enjoy whole the life

Traffic moves, car disappeared.

2-The boy eighteen years old

The David s physic with-

Robust tender muscles,

Newly hair growth down the nose

Employed in the bungalow- 47

Land lady likes him to much

Husband has no time to look after

The boy over times

He knows very well

Land lady s desires, likes, dislikes

Her satisfaction is his duty

The boy looks his heavy thigh

In the mirror and thinks-

The owner is ugly than him

He changes the bed sheets every day-

with new emphasize

And waits for the night and off course

Good food for to keep fit, healthy

As land lady loves his muscles

He follows all the instructions

Silently –that’s life.


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